Sunday, 21 August 2011

Short timescale project!

I bumped into Dale from KWC this morning and he reminded me that the club is having an open day on Sunday 27th August in an attempt to drum up some new members.

I had hoped it was going to be the end of september instead on a day when Graeme (Urisk) was free to do a joint game that people could join in with. Alas it will be a day when he is working so I was asked to prepare a game that can sit waiting to be played if people turn up (otherwise I will be joining in with someone else)

Anyway I have decided to do a DWMG (Doctor Who Miniatures Game) Especially with it happening the same weekend as the return of the Doctor to our TV's! It will be a fairly simple Doctor and Amy vs. The Daleks. Will need to prepare some cannon fodder for The Doctor to throw down in front of him!

Better start painting!!!

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